| no.G9002solid royal blue, plain Junior braces, solid royal blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 24mm. € 13.50 £ 11.90 $ 15.50 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G9100butterflies on navy Junior braces, colourful butterflies on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 24mm. € 13.50 £ 11.90 $ 15.50 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G9013solid blue, twill Junior braces, solid blue, twill like texture. Elastic polyester strap, width 24mm. € 13.50 £ 11.90 $ 15.50 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G9130crazy elephants navy Junior braces, funny elephants on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 24mm. € 13.50 £ 11.90 $ 15.50 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G9108pop art blue Junior braces, colorful abstract design in shades of blue, with white and red. Elastic polyester strap, width 24mm. € 13.50 £ 11.90 $ 15.50 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G9104butterflies II blue Junior braces, colourful butterflies on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 24mm. € 13.50 £ 11.90 $ 15.50 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G0008solid navy Men's braces, solid navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 24.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.G0023solid turquoise Men's braces, solid turquoise. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 24.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.G0038solid dark navy Men's braces, solid very dark navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 24.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| no.G8170crazy elephants navy, slim Men's braces, funny elephants on royal blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 1in.(24mm). € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 22.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G7632solid royal blue plain, slim Men's braces, solid royal blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 1in.(24mm). € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 22.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G0004solid blue Men's braces, solid blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 24.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| no.G7633solid blue twill, slim Men's braces, solid blue, textured. Elastic polyester strap, width 1in.(24mm). € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 22.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV110solid royal blue textured Men's braces, solid royal blue, rextured. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 19.90 £ 16.90 $ 24.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G6951 fishing green Men's braces, fish on green. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G7213stars and stripes III Men's braces, colors and stripes of the american flag. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.G4561 american trucks II Trucks and U.S. flags. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G4560american trucks Trucks and U.S. flags. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| no.GV442white dots on navy Men's braces, small white dots on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.G0301edelweiss blu Men's braces, edelweiss on blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV435nautical icons white navy Men's braces, steering wheel and anchors, in silvery white on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| no.GV792parrots Adult braces, flying parrots, green, blue, off white. Elastic strap 1½in (3.5cm) wide, polyester woven. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.FT015uk flags Men's braces, U.K. flags, repeated. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.GV786paisley skulls blu Adult braces, paisley pattern with skulls, blue, silver. Elastic strap 1½in (3.5cm) wide, polyester woven. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.GV030floral pattern blue black Men's braces, floral shapes in shades of blue on black. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.GV423instruments silver navy Men's braces, musical instruments in silver on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G6561red stripe on navy Men's braces, red center stripe with yellow, on dark navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| no.G7683bingo blue Men's braces, colorful Bingo numbers and textlines BINGO on blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV700paisley pattern blue navy Men's braces, paisley pattern in blue and navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.HC102jeans style blue Men's braces, denim style print. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G7211stars and stripes vertical Men's braces, colors and stripes of the american flag. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.HCT04cotton style blue Men's braces, solid muted blue, cotton-like texture. Elastic strap, 92% polyester and viscose, 8% elastodiene, width 1.5in(36mm). € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV845horiz lines petrol on blk Adult braces, horizontal lines pattern, black, petrol. Elastic strap 1½in (3.5cm) wide, polyester woven. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| no.G8113argyle pattern green Men's braces, argyle pattern in navy and green. Elastic polyester strap, woven, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV007polkadots white on navy Men's braces, white dots on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.G7911stripe texture navy silv Men's braces, vertical textured stripe in navy and silvery grey. Elastic polyester strap, woven, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.GV019ethno pattern blk wht blu Adult braces, ethnic pattern, blue, white, black. Elastic strap 1½in (3.5cm) wide, polyester woven. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G6367stripe blue and grey Men's braces, premium stripe, woven. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.GV009tartan pattern green blue Men's braces, tartan pattern in blue and greenm with red. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.GV460golf icons on beige navy Men's braces, golf icons in white on beige and navy stripes. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV174paisley lines mtd blue Men's braces, paisley pattern in white on blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.HCT21cotton style navy Men's braces, solid very dark navy, cotton-like texture. Elastic strap, 92% polyester and viscose, 8% elastodiene, width 1.5in(36mm). € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.FT020outlined stripe navy on red Men's braces, navy center stripe with white, on red. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.GV794new paisley off wht Adult braces, paisley pattern, off white, blue, red. Elastic strap 1½in (3.5cm) wide, polyester woven. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G6574vertical stripes blue bge Men's braces, vertical stripe in brown, black, and blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G5502stripe blue black Men's braces, woven stripe in blue and black. Elastic polyester strap, woven, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G6950fishing blue Men's braces, fish on blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G6562navy stripe on burg Men's braces, navy center stripe with yellow, on burgundy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G8112argyle pattern navy burg Men's braces, argyle pattern in navy and burgundy. Elastic polyester strap, woven, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV457woven jeans denim Men's braces, blue jeans style woven, denim blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G8013wide stripe char sky Men's braces, center stripe in light greyish blue with white, on charcoal. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G8115argyle pattern sky navy Men's braces, argyle pattern in navy and light blue. Elastic polyester strap, woven, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G4683paisley blue Men's braces, classical paisley design in navy and green. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
| | no.GV025yachting icons navy Men's braces, captain's cap and yachtclub icon in gold and blue on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.G8122diagonal stripe navy burg Men's braces, diagonal stripe in burgundy and navy. Elastic polyester strap, woven, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.GV472satin diamonds dkblu Adult braces, satin style diamond pattern, navy. Elastic strap 1½in (3.5cm) wide, polyester woven. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G5259intersecting circles navy Men's braces, flower ornaments in circles, navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.GV010jeans pattern blue Men's braces, denim style print, blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
43"/110cm 47"/120cm 51"/130cm |
| | no.HC100jeans style dkblue Men's braces, denim style print. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: Y shape, 3 clips, length
| | no.G7640workman tools blue Men's braces, various workman tools on blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
43"/110cm 47"/120cm 51"/130cm |
| no.G1502freestyle skiing blue Men's braces, skiers in action, on navy. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G1503freestyle skiing sky Men's braces, skiers in action, on blue. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.G7668snowboarding sky Men's braces, snowboarding on snowy mountains. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 21.90 £ 17.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| no.KL036linen style dots navy Men's braces, grid pattern in navy, with natural linen color. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 23.90 £ 19.90 $ 28.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.KL053tex stripe sky charcoal Men's braces, vertical stripe with texture in sky and grey, with some yellow and white. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 25.90 £ 19.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
| | no.KL050tex stripe burgundy navy Men's braces, vertical stripe with texture in burgundy and navy, with some yellow and white. Elastic polyester strap, width 35mm. € 25.90 £ 19.90 $ 26.90 | add to shopping cart: X shape, 4 clips, length
Y shapefor buttons
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